Friday, April 11, 2008

What if you had a party and nobody showed up?

I have to be a bit obscure here, because blogs are public documents read by people, and even though we always feel like no one reads them, "O comments?!? Nobody likes me!", I bet we would be very surprised at the number of people who stumble across our little musings.

So, here's what kind of hit me today. In a work situation the way you treat people is more important than what you do. If you accomplish great things at work, but treat people like scurrying disease carrying rodents, they will soon forget about your accomplishments but remember in great detail how you treated them. Interesting huh? Okay, well, it's not like this is a new theory, or even earth shattering, but it's a very good reminder that being nice does count. And here's the thing which I find very comforting, you can still accomplish great things at work AND be nice. They are not mutually exclusive. And here's something else to ponder, you don't even have to like the person, and you can still be nice! I know, amazing.

Someone should make a rule about that, sort of like treating people how you want to be treated...hmmm...

Sea Otter is happening next week. So in the spirit of training for my huge bike race, I ran five miles today. I guess if I can't ride my mountain bike on the trails, I'll be prepared to run it.

Here is a gratuitous kitty shot of Emma and Fozzie. Emma is not trying to eat Fozzie, she's just bathing her with great enthusiasm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Realizations are good!

PS - I ran twice this week!!!!