Sunday, March 16, 2008

march is the month for knitting socks

So I'm knitting a hat. I can't help it, curly gurls are contrary girls.

We're also confused girls; as in why would you spend a beautiful, sunny day reading at the library? Reading, yes. But maybe outside? In the sun? With fresh air? Don't get me wrong. Libraries are great places. I love libraries. I work in a library. But I always thought of them as a quick stop, more of a 7/11, then a destination. Get in, get your book and get out...please?

On two wheels....
I've never ridden in a memorial ride before. I hope I never have cause to do so again. It was something I'll never forget; pedaling along, one in a crowd of a thousand. I was pretty quiet riding up to the site, just taking in the crowd and the people on the street watching us pass by. I wondered what the people in their cars waiting for us to go by at the intersections were thinking. I wondered if they even knew about the memorial ride. If the sight of all of these bicyclists riding by made them reflect. Or maybe they were fidgeting impatiently, annoyed to be held up.
I felt better for going, if only to be a part of something so big that people couldn't help but notice, and wonder, and hopefully remember Matt and Kristy.

On the way back to Foothill college I decided I would ride this spring and summer. Not like before when I vowed to ride more and the weeks would speed past, and September would come whith my wheels not even dirty, and a vague memory of going on a ride sometime back in June.

So I decided to aim for 100 rides, or 1,000 miles. Whichever comes first.

Ride #1 was today. 3.82 miles. I rode my Rockhopper to work today. I love it when the cherry blossoms are in bloom, and they pop up white and pink against the bright blue sky. Beautiful spring day, lovely ride. And thank you sweetie for letting me go, even though I know you worry when I'm on the road.


Anonymous said...

Hiya! To you too! How's it been going? What Memorial Ride did you do?

erein said...

There was a memorial ride for the two bicyclists that were killed on Stevens Canyon Road. It was really amazing the number of people who turned out for it. You and Wes be careful riding your bikes out there, okay?

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's very intense. I'm surprised we didn't see it. We are careful. We usually go more up foothill. We're not ready for those big hills yet.

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

what a fabulous goal -- 100 rides or 1,000 miles. isn't it great that the tragedy might have helped influence you into such a postiive action?

good to see you on Saturday! you looked fabulous.

Jackie said...




Rebecca said...

i heard about that accident. terrible. the memorial ride sounds neat.