Wednesday, March 12, 2008


First of all, I'm going to say it's Jackie's fault. She was the one that brought up the idea of intervals. And then you know, she made it sound so *fun* racing from stoplight to stoplight in San Francisco. And I thought, well, I could do that. Except I don't live in San Fransisco, so I did my intervals in a parking garage. And I guess it was fun if you consider racing up three (four?) levels of parking garage until you want to puke and you kind of can't see out of your right eye fun...

Anyway, I did that to celebrate the first day of daylight savings time.

Then Monday I went for a run. I went for a run and as I was running I thought about biking and being safe and how scary it is when the people we trust to protect us end up hurting us. And I thought about how many times I waited impatiently for that perfect hour after work, or the perfect weekend day to go for a ride and how wonderful it felt to get away and leave all your worries behind and cruise along, on your bike, happy and carefree. And even though I don't know those bicyclists, I know how they felt and I just can't get my mind around the fact that one minute your alive and the next...

So I ran. And I thanked God for each and every second of that run, and that beautiful day, and all the people in my life. And I resolved to spend more time biking and less time do other unimportant stuff (like laundry, and cleaning the bathtub) because you just never know, and I don't want to get to the end with any regrets.


SL said...

Words to live by. :-)

Jackie said...

Absolutely! You nailed it.

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...


but intervals in a parking garage? do you have a fever or something?

erein said...

Intervals-it's Jackies fault. :)