Thursday, May 22, 2008

Running babbles

I'm going to ride 50 miles in July for the Livestrong Challenge. So to kick off my training I went for a run. I think we talked about how curly gurls are contrary gurls, so you shouldn't be surprised at this turn of events. Tuesday night I had the best run ever. The temperature was right, my legs were right, the planets were aligned just right and I ran. 5.64 miles. Lovely. Today I ran and I was tired. Wind was blowing and I was hot and it just wasn't there. Oh well. I love to run. It's hard to say which I enjoy more, mountain biking or running. I'd like to try trail running, but Brians rule is I can't run or hike anywhere that I can ride my bike. I could if I really wanted to, but then I would have to deal with a lot of "eye rolling" and scorn. So it's best not to go there.

I'm thinking of setting up my trainer again. I know it's the summer time and I can ride outside, but I really don't like to ride my road bike on the road. I'd rather take my chances with the dirt, and the gravel and the mountain lions then with cars. I think mountain lions are much nicer than most people driving these days. And I actually enjoy popping in a movie and riding on the trainer. Unbelievable I know. And then there's always the possibility of setting up the trainer on the patio for a little fresh air. And if i'm very lucky I'll annoy the downstairs neighbors. If I'm unlucky, they'll just poison me with their smelly cooking smells. Death by masala. Not a pretty way to go.

Sunday I'm racing downhill (maybe), and I'm kind of nervous (very), but some other girls will be racing with me (hopefully) so it will be fun (definitely.)

More biking babble then running babble, but I did warn you about contrary curly gurls.

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1 comment:

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

good luck on Sunday. I can't wait to hear how it goes.