Monday, March 31, 2008

mermaid run and russian ridge

I was suppose to do the Mermaid 1/2 marathon on Sunday, but I had to downgrade to the 6 mile run because my foot hurts. I think I have that thing that sounds like peanuts,
plantars whatchamacallit.
I probably need to get some support thing for my running shoes, and maybe those really ugly old people shoes for work, which is all I need to complete the librarian look. But for now, no running. That's okay though, April means Sea Otter, which means biking!

So anyway, the Mermaid Run. I wasn't really prepared for the 6 miles, and it darn near killed me. I thought I was going to be cold, so I wore a fuzzy warm running top and ended up having to take it off after the first mile and ditch it at a water station. After that the miles seemed to stretch out, and I never did find my happy running place. My foot hurt, I was out of breath, my music was all was one of those days had I started my usual neighborhood run, I would have cut it short and tried again some other day. I just was not feeling it. But I had paid for it, and you know, wanted to wear the tshirt, so I just kept running. So thankful to cross the finish line. So freakin' thankful.

And this morning when I woke up my legs let me know immediatley that they were not happy with me. "Holy hobbling down stairs, Batman" my thighs hurt! So of course I went mountain biking.

Russian Ridge is a pretty easy place to ride, fire roads mostly, but the views were beautiful. Nothing too too climby like Fremont Older. However, there is a hill right out of the parking lot, so first thing I was climbing. And my legs were like "No way! You're kidding right? Seriously? You want to ride uphill? You crazy woman!" But I made it up the hill, and eventually settled into the ride.
I love Russian Ridge. Open vistas, shaded paths, nothing too extreme, but a nice mix off fireroad and single track. And spring is a beautiful time to be outdoors on the bike. The weather was perfect if not a bit chilly, the hills so green they could be mistaken for a golf course and the wildflowers were so lovely. It was a great day for a ride. Took lots of pictures, but really sometimes you just have to see it for yourself. But don't take my word for it. Grab your bike, or your hiking shoes and just get out there. You'll be glad you did.
So go on then. Skit skat. Off with you.

We'll chat when you get back.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

It's plantar fasciitis. I gave it to my left foot by moving my seat back - took me hundreds of dollars in new shoes and a session with Lorri to figure that out - and now it's finally gone after getting a narrower saddle and moving it forward again (I was reaching for every push). Oh, and sticking full arch supports into my cycling shoes, too. But other than that, I wear regular shoes now. Catch it early! Took me about too long to fix it.