Saturday, October 25, 2008

Social chit chatty pace

I rode Waterdog on Friday with friends. I have my Fridays off through March, and I've been spending them on the bike.

Usually I don't like to ride with groups because they ride faster and longer than I'm used to. I ride at a very leisurely pace, very leisurely. But lately I've noticed that I've gotten a little stronger on the bike, and a little more fit, so that gives me courage to actually meet up with the other girls to ride.

I have to admit it's a lot more fun to ride with people then by yourself. So we rode and we talked and laughed, then rode some more, and talked a lot more, and I cleared all the switchbacks and rode parts of the trail that I hadn't been able to ride before. It was a good day to be on the bike.

Then Friday night I headed out to the bmx track to watch the boy ride, and saw him jump. And I hung out in the stands and watched all the families cheering on the bmx racers and that was good too.

I have to be at work today, but that's okay, tomorrow is another bike day.

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