I don't think I'm impulsive. I think that I'm enthusiastic and interested in life and that leads to some decisions that others may think are impulsive, but to me make perfect sense.
Impulse one
I switched colleges in one semester. I hated going to Wichita State, I came home one break, decided I wasn't going back and ended up at UMKC. I was much happier, and ended up getting a great job at the library which led me to my career now.
Impulse two
I took off to California to visit a guy I had only talked to for three months who I met on the internet. Everyone said I was crazy, but we ended up married for 10 years, together for 13 and even though it ended, I never regretted any of those years and I still hold him in the highest regard, and I wouldn't trade that period of my life for anything.
Lesser known not quite life changing impulses:
1) Went in and bought a mountain bike one day even though I've never gone mountain biking before in my entire life and had no idea what mountain biking really was. No bad here...
2) Less than a year later I bought a new full suspension mountain bike. I still have both of those bikes and I love them dearly, and ride them.
3) Actually all my mountain bikes have been impulse buys, and I still have them and I still love them.
4) I bought the first condo I saw and rented my apartment site unseen. I've been happy in both of those places. Well, the condo I was just glad to be able to purchase for an affordable price, but it was nice too. And my apartment is beautiful.
5) I went shopping one afternoon and bought my four runner. I love my car. It takes me everywhere and carries everything. No regrets.
6) I signed up to do the short distance at Wildflower when I had never done a triathlon before. That ended up being a lifechanging event, all because of an impulse.

I'm sure I could list more. I know myself. I trust myself. So the next time I have an impulse, other people who say they love me too, should just go with it. Vroom, vroom.
Follow your own impulse, and click here. You might be surprised where it leads you!
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